Growing up, I can remember my mom taking me downtown to watch the Opening Day parade, complete with elephants, floats, and marching bands. Kids would get taken out of school to attend the game or just the festivities. The entire city practically shut down.
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My company always does it big for the Cincinnati Reds' Opening Day, and this year was no exception.
Our lunch included a hotdog bar, a Cincinnati chili bar (note: this is served over spaghetti and with cheese), and a nacho bar! There were even giant, iced cookies in the shape of various baseball-related items, like mitts and hotdogs.
We got to eat our food and drink Braxton beer on our rooftop deck as the parade went by below.
I even got a little bit of a sunburn!
See? In the top right corner of my forehead?
I didn't make it to the gym tonight, and Clem and I have been bumming around this evening, but I suppose that's okay.
It is a city-wide holiday and all.
Ahhh! What a fun day! Unfortunately, my Heels didn't pull off a win tonight so no parades for me at work this week. ;)